Someone recently forwarded to me a note called, “20 Things the Rich Do Every Day.” Apparently, the material is from the bestselling book, Rich Habits.
While my site is not about becoming wealthy in the monetary sense, I like a definition I once read that said that wealth is an abundance of anything. In that vein, I share the following nine habits from the list of 20, to help you to have a wealth of happiness and health:
1. Exercise aerobically four days a week.
2. Maintain a to-do list.
3. Make happy birthday calls.
4. Write down your goals.
5. Read 30 minutes or more each day.
6. Watch less than one hour of TV each day.
7. Wake up three hours before work starts.
8. Believe that good habits create opportunity.
9. Believe in life-long educational self-improvement.
What would you like to add to this list? Join the conversation with your comments…
Warmest regards,