Earlier this year, I was introduced to Victor Schueller. Before I knew anything else about him, I wanted to get to know him when I heard that he goes by the title, “the Professor of Positivity and Possibility.” I love that! Today, I’m sharing an interview I did with Victor. Enjoy!
David: Victor, you’re a personal development coach, a public speaker, a radio show host, and teach on the college level. Tell me about your background. What led you become all those things?
Victor: David, thank you so much for this opportunity to speak with you. I’ve sort of come full circle and through the “circling” part of life, I have had the opportunity to experience a lot of things, just like anyone else. I’ve always had an interest in science, but the interest seemed more of a “hobby” when growing up.
I never took science too seriously throughout my high school years, but then when I got into college I was introduced to chiropractic, and I was hooked. I knew that’s the direction in which I wanted to head. At the same time (in college), I was dealing with severe depression and post-traumatic stress disorder stemming from a car accident that I was in when I was sixteen. My mom and I were hit by another motorist, and she died instantly.
I carried my depression and suffering to chiropractic school, along with some extra weight. I weighed about 225 pounds upon entering school. About two years into school, I received a strong “internal message” to stop feeling sorry for myself and get into shape and adopt a healthy lifestyle. One year later I was down to about 150 pounds. That was the start of my turnaround.
I successfully completed chiropractic school and practiced for a year before I became an instructor of anatomy and physiology at a local college. During my year of chiropractic practice, I was exposed to a very negative and toxic working environment, and I wondered why people resorted so easily to negative behavior patterns.
At about the same time, someone in my family was dealing with workplace bullying, and so I started wondering what could be done, on a larger level, to help people overcome the propensity toward negative behaviors and learn to become more positive and harmonious in their relationships. At first I thought that my background in science was something I had to leave behind in order to pursue this life path, but then I realized that I needed to start in science — in analysis of the brain and how it functions and leads to our behaviors.
I discovered the source of mental mediocrity, and I set out to share not only my discovery, but an “antidote” to the mental mediocrity that plagues us all as humans. It gets in between us and our true selves — our true empathic and compassionate selves that we were meant to be.
Now I’m talking to anyone who will listen, to help teach them how to vanquish their own mental mediocrity and tap into their true greatness, which lies within the ability to connect with the mind, and the mind’s connection to a higher energy or life force (some call it the spirit). When you can do this, you no longer see the world the same way. The people and circumstances around you look and sound different.
My life experiences, from having to deal with losing my mom and grieving, to my unending hunger for a better understanding of humans and what makes us behave the way we do and how to make the human race what it was designed to be have all culminated nicely to bring me here!
David: Wow! That’s a powerful, and interesting, story. When I first read about you, your “title”, the Professor of Positivity and Possibility, grabbed me. What wasn’t to like about that, I thought? What does that title mean to you?
Victor: Thank you for the kind words. My friend, Jodi Chapman, actually gets the credit for coming up with the title. I was looking for something “catchy,” and it sounds like it worked!
As far as what the title means to me, I feel that it captures who I am and what I want to be for others. I want to teach people how to live a better life. I want to help business and educational leaders take a corporate culture and help the workforce adapt to change more readily and enthusiastically, and increase productivity.
I want to speak to as many people as I can as a beacon of hope and inspiration for the good and greatness we all possess within us; we all have the potential to set aside the limiting beliefs and behaviors that hold us back. The problem is that over ninety percent of the population doesn’t even know they exist!
I want to help people discover those limitations and break through them. I feel the most effective way to do this is by setting a positive example — by continually maintaining a positive outlook as well as the belief that anything is possible if you just accept that anything is possible.
David: What are the basic guiding principles of your life?
Victor: That’s a great question! I would say that my “antidote” to mental mediocrity sums up my guiding principles. Overall, I just want to be myself — the “real” me that I was meant to be, free of all ego, judgmentalism, bias, and fear.
My “antidote” consists of the following guiding principles:
1. Quiet the inner and outer judge: We shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves to live up to the standards or expectations of others. Don’t worry about what other people think of you — just worry about what you think of yourself! Also — and this is hard to do — refrain from judging other people.
2. Assume ownership of your circumstances: As long as we assume the role of a victim, we will never have full control over our future, and we will continue to suffer. Once we assume ownership of what happens to us, we take control of our lives.
3. Use the power of intention to give energy to positive thoughts: Thoughts are energy; whatever we focus on, grows. By focusing on the bad or what we fear or don’t want, we give energy to that, and it grows. Focus on what you do want, and the universe will conspire to help you make it happen!
4. Silently leave everyone a gift: If you silently wish everyone you encounter “happiness, health, and prosperity,” it’s pretty hard to be angry at them! Also, you are giving something to others. Whatever you give, it will come back to you. When you wish others happiness, happiness will come to you.
5. Stay in the present, be mindful, and meditate: Don’t focus on past transgressions or mistakes; don’t worry about the future. Focus on the now and enjoy the now. If you have young children who are so innocent and loving and want to be with you, latch on to those moments before it’s too late! Don’t mortgage your now for mistakes of the past or worries of the future. Enjoy the “gift that is the present” (sort of a play on words). Meditation is also key in tapping into your true authentic self. Studies have shown numerous benefits of meditation — it’s extremely beneficial to living a happy and healthy life.
David: This past summer, you interviewed me on your weekly radio show. I read many blogs, but before I learned of you program, I wasn’t an internet blog radio listener. Tell the readers a bit about your radio show.
Victor: The show is called “Positively Empowered Radio.” It’s basically an interview show. I interview all sorts of people from all different backgrounds and walks of life, with the intention of capturing tips, tools, and strategies for living a better life, and having better relationships in work and in life.
The goal of the show is to help listeners live a better life tomorrow than today, more empowered, confident, and willing to change their lives. It’s all about helping people!
The show airs every week on Mondays from 12 to 12:30 PM Central time. If you visit my radio show page on my website, you can listen to all the archived interviews. There are some treasures within these interviews — great advice and words of wisdom and empowerment from some great people!
I highly recommend stopping by and listening. I guarantee that no matter which episode you happen to listen to, you will learn something. I know I have learned a tremendous amount from these interviews! It has turned into a very rewarding and educational experience.
David: Thanks for the time and insights Victor.
Victor: My pleasure. Thank you.
Here are links to find Victor and his various resources:
Website: http://www.VictorSchueller.com where you can get a free guide called “Mediocre No More,” which helps people start vanquishing their own mental mediocrity.
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/speakervictor
Twitter: www.Twitter.com/speakervictor
Radio show: www.VictorSchueller.com/radio-show
If you want to contact Victor to hire him to speak for your group or for personal coaching, email him at Victor@VictorSchueller.com, or call 920-412-7347.
Best regards,
p.s. What did you think of Victor’s thoughts? Join the conversation with your comments…