As I’ve written, and as I say at every one of my speaking engagements, smiling helps your happiness. The act of smiling releases chemicals to your brain that make you think you are happy. And that feels good.

Similarly, I strongly recommend saying, “Great” when people ask how you are. For most people, this will likely requires a habit change. The most common answer to “How are you?” is “Okay” or “Busy.” From my personal experience, and from the experience of others I know, and others I’ve read about, saying “Great” will help you to feel great.

And now I’ve got one more for you. Standing up straight will help you to be happier, according to a New York Times article. The negative results from slouching came to the attention of physiotherapist Steve August because of what he calls the iHunch, which comes about from leaning forward to look at your smartphone. (The writer of the article says at his office they call it iPosture and refer to one of the resulting conditions as text neck.)

In addition to the physical effects on your neck and shoulders, August says, “Slouching changes your mood, your memory and even your behavior. Your physical posture sculpts your psychological posture, and could be the key to a happier mood and greater self-confidence.”

The recommendation is to “keep your head up and shoulders back when looking at your phone, even if that means holding it at eye level.”

If smiling, saying you are “great,” and better posture can all impact your happiness, that’s a lot of proof for the saying, “Fake it till you make it.”

What is your experience with these happiness strategies? Please join the conversation with your comments…

Best regards,
