Sunk Costs & Happiness

I don’t like wasting resources. Money, food, and time come quickly to mind as the most obvious examples. Recently, I realized I have learned how to make better decisions by understanding the interaction between these resources. The net result is a positive impact on my happiness. For example, last summer…

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Gratitude & Thank-You Notes

Last year, I wrote about a webinar on emotional resilience that was part of our company’s wellness program. In a follow-up e-mail sent out by the leader of the session, Jen Arnold of Redesigning Wellness, Inc., she made suggestions of Ways to Practice Gratitude. Here, again, are a couple: Three…

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Exercise: It’s Not Too Late

A New York Times article last year caught my eye with its summary: “For lifelong heart health, start exercising early in life and keep exercising often. But even if you have neglected to exercise and are now middle-aged, it is not too late.” As the piece explains, “By the time…

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Mark Twain on Habits

I recently happened upon this Mark Twain quote: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” I like to take it back a step. The first step to…

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Changing Habits Changes You

I was listening to a podcast about healthy eating and the person being interviewed said people crave salty, sugary, and fatty foods. The more we eat of them, he went on, the less we taste them—and then we eat more and more of them until we feel satisfied. I’ve experienced…

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Soda is Poison

If you are looking for your first new habit for 2019, try eliminating soda (diet and regular) from your diet. Every time I give a speech, I use “giving up soda” as an example of a health habit to adopt. I talk about the incredibly huge amount of sugar in…

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Health Despite Genes

Happy New Year! Dr. Gabe Mirkin, whose health newsletter I have been reading for years, and highly recommend, reported on a study published last summer with wonderfully positive news: lifestyle factors can have a positive impact on the way your body responds to your genes. Researchers looked at identical twins…

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More Gratitude Habits

There is a very nice family I've known them for nearly 25 years. Several of them are real estate brokers and they have a monthly newsletter. I’ve been on their mailing list for many years and often find helpful tips. A recent newsletter contained a list of ways to practice…

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