Organized E-mail

A business organization I am involved with allows members to post questions to the group. It’s a way to crowd-source great ideas. This was a question someone posted: I am perennially looking for ways to organize and prioritize emails. How do you organize your Outlook inbox? Here was my reply:…

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To-Do List Ideas

I read a really good article in Fast Company magazine about to-do list mistakes. I am a big advocate of to-do lists, and of writing things down in general. Here are my favorite takeaways from the article, with my thoughts added: Create/update your next day’s to-do list before you end…

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Happier from Less Clutter

Two articles I recently read reinforced my feeling that most people have too much “stuff”. Beth Teitell writes in the Boston Globe, “Clutter…can assume many forms. It can present as a once-used bread machine or Lego hair that’s come unsnapped from its person. It can look like Tupperware without its assigned…

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Holding on Is Holding You Back

This is a guest post by Courtney Carver. I had the opportunity to read a pre-publication edition of Courtney’s new book Soulful Simplicity, which will be published December 26th by Tarcher/Perigee, a division of Penguin Random House, and I asked if she would like to write a piece about one…

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Why I Am Organized

“Be Organized” is the fourth of my Six Simple Rules. I am organized in countless ways and have long felt I'm a naturally organized person. But it wasn't always that way for me. My organized life is made up of a collection of small habits I've adopted over time. What I…

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Doing One Thing at a Time

One thing that bothers most people, is the experience of not remembering why you just walked from one place to another—for example, walking from one room to another in your house, or from one part of your workplace to another. As we get older, we begin to worry if that…

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Simplify Your Wallet

I carry around a super slim wallet and I owe that in part to my smartphone, to a trip I made to Europe, and to my good friends Elliot & Joanne. There are many good things I learned from my dad. But, the fact that my dad’s wallet has always…

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