Helping Others with Your Voice

I've written many times: helping others is one of the greatest happiness strategies. A recent way I have been helping others is by donating my voice to people who live with voicelessness. My involvement with this activity started when I read an article about VocaliD, a for-profit company. It seems…

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More Kindness

After I republished my post Kindness & the Common Good in my monthly newsletter, a reader sent me this note I want to share with you: Thank you for this email (newsletter)! I have a constant, inner conversation with myself where I try to be mindful of the point of…

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The Power of Smiling

I have frequently written about the power of smiling. When we smile, there is a chemical reaction which causes us to think we are happy, even if we were not feeling happy before that moment. In addition, smiling at others usually causes them to smile back at you. (In fact,…

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Biking & Driving: Safety & Health

I read in the New York Times some disturbing information about people not wearing bike helmets. According to the article, head injuries account for three-fourths of the nearly 700-plus bicycle deaths that occur each year nationwide. In New York City, 97% of cycling deaths and 87% of serious cycling injuries…

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Kindness & the Common Good

In an op-ed piece in the New York Times, David Brooks wrote about Pope Francis’ New Year’s Eve commentary that the people who have the most influence on society are “normal folks,” and their everyday gestures of kindness make them “artisans of the common good”. The pope used driving, of…

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More on Healthy Eating

I had the good fortune of sitting in on a “You Are What You Eat” presentation by Talia Segal Fidler. Talia came to the United States years ago to continue her education. After a few years here, she developed a health condition. One thing led to another and she eventually…

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Standing In The Way of You

This is a guest post by Dr. Diahanne Rhiney. I want to discuss a topic that is not often spoken about because it is often so subtle and occurs in a deep and complex part of the mind, our subconscious. We’ve probably all done it at some point: you say…

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