Breaking a 40-Year Habit

I’ve been biting my nails since I was a kid. I have no idea how young I was when I started. I also have no idea how many times I’ve tried to quit. It’s a quite a few. What I know is I finally kicked the habit when I finally…

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Strategically Dealing with Anger

This is a guest post by Jane Sheeba Implementing tips is a great way to manage or deal with life situations in a quick manner. But I’m more of a strategic person. What’s the difference between implementing a strategy and practicing a tip? Tips are quickie solutions—you face a problem,…

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The Ultimate Goal for Your Health

In Six Simple Rules for a Better Life, I opened the chapter on the 6th rule, “Be Healthy”, with quite a few thoughts on longevity—on the amazing medical advances that are extending longevity. In my speaking engagements, when I talk about being healthy, I also comment about longevity—about how fortunate…

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Thanksgiving Gratitude

I'm a long-time believer in the power of gratitude. It's hard to be unhappy at the same time you are being grateful. I’m grateful for so much this year, and every year, and Thanksgiving is an obvious time to talk about it. My list is long and it’s hard to…

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