Red Meat & Your Health

When I was a child, my mom made hamburgers for us many nights a week until she learned red meat wasn't good for your health. She cut way back and by the time I went to college, I was rarely eating red meat. Then, 15 or 20 years ago, I…

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Dr. Mark Hyman for Health

Thanks to a recommendation from my wife, I have been taking in some wonderful health advice by following Dr. Mark Hyman on Instagram. Dr. Hyman’s posts are packed with important, easy-to understand information, as well as simple, inspiring health quotes, graphics, recipes, and more. For example, here are three posts…

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Leo Babauta on Habits

Leo Babauta is one of my favorite bloggers, and has been for many years. Before I found his blog, I read his 2009 book, the Power of Less. Leo wrote a post on habits I want to share. What he writes is closely aligned to what I espouse about breaking…

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Junk Food Causes Cancer

As reported by Dr. Gabe Mirkin, the American Cancer Society estimates that more than 40 percent of cancers are associated with modifiable lifestyle factors, such as: • Smoking • Alcohol • Chronic inflammation • Obesity • Lack of exercise • Cumulative lifetime exposure to radiation • Cumulative lifetime exposure to…

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Diet Soda is Poison

As I have written and spoken about many times, including earlier this year here, if you are looking for a new healthy eating habit, eliminating soda from your diet is a great place to start. To be clear: this means all kinds of soda, including diet soda, and there is…

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Some Habits Take Longer

For several years, I have been a regular reader of a newsletter written by James Clear. Clear publishes a great deal of personal development content and recently published a book, which I enjoyed, Atomic Habits. Clear has read many of the same books I have on the subject, and shares…

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Gratitude & Thank-You Notes

Last year, I wrote about a webinar on emotional resilience that was part of our company’s wellness program. In a follow-up e-mail sent out by the leader of the session, Jen Arnold of Redesigning Wellness, Inc., she made suggestions of Ways to Practice Gratitude. Here, again, are a couple: Three…

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Mark Twain on Habits

I recently happened upon this Mark Twain quote: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” I like to take it back a step. The first step to…

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Changing Habits Changes You

I was listening to a podcast about healthy eating and the person being interviewed said people crave salty, sugary, and fatty foods. The more we eat of them, he went on, the less we taste them—and then we eat more and more of them until we feel satisfied. I’ve experienced…

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