Biking & Driving: Safety & Health

I read in the New York Times some disturbing information about people not wearing bike helmets. According to the article, head injuries account for three-fourths of the nearly 700-plus bicycle deaths that occur each year nationwide. In New York City, 97% of cycling deaths and 87% of serious cycling injuries…

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More on Healthy Eating

I had the good fortune of sitting in on a “You Are What You Eat” presentation by Talia Segal Fidler. Talia came to the United States years ago to continue her education. After a few years here, she developed a health condition. One thing led to another and she eventually…

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Helping Others & Your Health

I, and others on this blog, have written that helping others is a happiness secret. After many people helped others impacted by this year’s hurricane season, a New York Times article pointed out why this is the case. According to Dr. Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist and founder of the Center…

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Commitment Devices and Habits

On a TED Radio Hour podcast episode, I listened to an interview with Dan Goldstein, who studies economic behavior and decision making. He talked about something he calls Commitment Devices. The ideas he shared resonated with me because they related to making changes that stick. As we all know, resisting…

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Put it on Your Calendar

I’ve written a number of times about making the time to do the important things in life. Rather than saying, “I didn’t do it because I didn’t have the time,” it’s more accurate to say, “I didn’t do it because I didn’t make the time.” (One example: Making time for…

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My Healthy Eating Update

In the “Be Healthy” chapter of my book, I provided 52 suggestions for healthier eating. It’s been nearly six years since the book was published and I was wondering how many of my eating suggestions would be different if I wrote the book today. As much as I would have…

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Making Habits Easier

On a TED Radio Hour podcast episode, I listened to an interview with Richard Thaler, a behavioral economist who co-wrote Nudge, a book about changing behaviors. His message: If you want to encourage people to do something, make it easy. For example, to get people to save money in their…

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Happiness and Health at Work

Someone sent me an article about a company that purposely made some decisions they knew would make them less profitable. The goal was to impact the environment in a more sustainable way, and the author wrote about the various ways to define success. The person who sent me the article…

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Habits & My Lost Fitbit

Last year I wrote about my Fitbit, which I had become very attached to. The impact the Fitbit had on me was a surprise: I went from being someone who already exercised a lot, to someone who exercised even more. A few months ago, I lost my Fitbit. It was…

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Athletic Lifelong Learning

I'm a big believer in lifelong learning. The fifth of my Six Simple Rules is, "Be a Lifelong Learner." I do a ton of reading (books, magazines, newspapers, and blogs), I listen to podcasts, and I attend classes, workshops, and seminars, among other things. I'm also a strong believer in…

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