Smile to Start Your Day

After a recent speaking engagement, the COO of the office where I presented sent out the following note to everyone in the office: Earlier this month, David Singer visited our office and spoke about his book, Six Simple Rules for a Better Life. There was terrific feedback from so many of…

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Your Purpose is All Around You

This is a guest post by Louis Savalli. Every day is the same. From the moment you drag yourself out of bed, you’re devoting your time to taking care of other things and people. Whether it’s your kids, spouse, colleagues, customers, your house, or your car – you barely get…

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Meditation and Relaxation

When I was in high school, I took a psychology class. It was one of the few high school classes I enjoyed. The teacher, Mr. Mascari, taught us a relaxation technique I went on to use for many years. I would close my eyes and imagine the sun shining on…

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Successfully Changing Habits

My friend Kevin was telling me of his weight loss struggles. He realized he kept procrastinating about working on the weight loss because there are about 10 habits he wanted to focus on to make it happen. He realized he was overwhelming himself by thinking about the 10 habits, and…

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Respond vs. React: Mindfulness

After receiving quite a bit of positive feedback on a recent newsletter piece, I am publishing it here... At an end-of-year yoga class, the instructor asked us to form an intention for the coming year. I decided to focus on respond vs. react. Responding instead of reacting is something I…

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