Impermanence and Happiness

I was reading a wonderful blog post about the way the impermanence of things enhances our appreciation of them—and how instead of lamenting loss, we can realize if we had these things all the time we would begin to take them for granted; their beauty is tied to their impermanence.…

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Diet Soda and Your Health

This is a guest post by Alissa Jones. In it, she talks about what she learned about the dangers of diet soda. It's perfect timing for this piece because Thanksgiving kicks off the season, between now and the end of the year, where people often eat too much and feel…

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The Perception of Time

After having some oral surgery, which I was told was as the result of improper brushing, it was recommended I use an electric toothbrush. The one the periodontist (gum surgeon) recommended was pricey, but I found a coupon on the Web and was able to cut the cost. Of course,…

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Proactive Positivity

My book, blog, newsletter, and speaking engagements are peppered with suggestions for ways to enhance your happiness. My recommended path to greater happiness is not a magical one where you can snap your fingers and change your life; my message is not “la-di-da, let’s just be happier.” What I recommend…

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