Sleep & Your Health

I almost never have a problem falling asleep. But, when I wake up in the middle of the night (which happens more, the older I get), I often have had a hard time falling back to sleep. I know the reason—too much on my mind. As soon as I start…

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Healthy Eating for Busy People

This is a guest post by Carl Preston, the founder of a self-development site. I look back during my early twenties and I remember the how hectic, stressful, and exhausting my life was. At work, completely snowed under, working 70 hour weeks with little respite, and fun weekends that would…

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Successfully Changing Habits

My friend Kevin was telling me of his weight loss struggles. He realized he kept procrastinating about working on the weight loss because there are about 10 habits he wanted to focus on to make it happen. He realized he was overwhelming himself by thinking about the 10 habits, and…

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Exercise with a Ball

I recently took an exercise class called, “Let’s Have a Ball.” For 50 minutes we did numerous exercises, every one of which made use of a large exercise ball. We did exercises for the arms, the legs, the chest, and more. I wanted to share this with you because I…

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Just Get Started on Changes

Rather than waiting until the New Year to begin making changes, just start now. Here are some examples: Can't decide whether to join a board of a local not-for-profit, or to serve homeless at a soup kitchen, or to fund raise for the eradication of a disease? Just pick one…

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