My Healthy Eating Update

In the “Be Healthy” chapter of my book, I provided 52 suggestions for healthier eating. It’s been nearly six years since the book was published and I was wondering how many of my eating suggestions would be different if I wrote the book today. As much as I would have…

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Do the Math for Your Health

I've changed the way I eat in small, but important, ways once again this year. The changes began with my goal of eating more unprocessed whole grains. At first, I moved from cereal made from processed whole wheat (Grape Nuts, made from whole grain wheat flour) to granola, made from…

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Risky Drinking: Health

I recently watched the HBO documentary, Risky Drinking. It delivers a powerful, disturbing, and important message about dangers to our health and happiness from what are now called alcohol use disorders. The documentary had four segments. All of them were meaningful. The first segment focused on binge drinking. The filmmakers…

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Heart Health

As we enter the holiday season, it's a good time to talk about healthy eating. About a year ago, I read a terrific letter to the editor that led me to the Web site of the American Heart Association (AHA). In the letter, which appeared in the Record, a newspaper…

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Book: Asking for It

I recently read Asking for It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture—and What We Can Do About It, by Kate Harding. Harding pulls no punches in her assault on rape culture. She gives examples that will surely disgust any thinking person. “If we all abhor rape,” she says, “how did…

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Health: Millions have Diabetes

I was at a wellness lecture recently on the subject of diabetes. There are 24 million people in the U.S. with the type of diabetes linked to lifestyle. Overweight and inactivity are known as lifestyle factors because they can be impacted by the choices you make—your lifestyle choices, such as…

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Healthy Eating, not Dieting

According to a report I read in the New York Times, the share of Americans who say they would like to lose weight has fallen recently. “The focus has now been on the health aspect, not the cosmetic aspect,” according to a professor of nutrition interviewed for the article. This…

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