Parenting Advice, part 1

This week, our oldest, our son Jeremy, graduates from college. As my wife Marcie would say, we’ve done all we can and he’s fully cooked. He was pretty well cooked in many ways before he headed off to college, yet while he’s much the same person he was at that…

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Another Article About Stress

There are tons of articles about dealing with stress, so maybe another isn’t needed. But, unhappiness and ill health from stress is so prevalent it can’t hurt to provide the following list I adapted from an article I read in a Canyon Ranch newsletter. It’s amazing the way all the…

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Gratitude for Lives Lived

I received shocking, tragic news this week when I learned my college roommate passed away at the age of 51. We met at the very start of college. We lived in the same building freshman year. We became friends and moved in together as roommates for our junior year. As…

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Thanksgiving Gratitude

I'm a long-time believer in the power of gratitude. It's hard to be unhappy at the same time you are being grateful. I’m grateful for so much this year, and every year, and Thanksgiving is an obvious time to talk about it. My list is long and it’s hard to…

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A Simpler Path to Happiness

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the happiness secret of experiences, not things. In a similar vein, I share with you enjoy today’s guest post by Cheryl Magyar. -------------- It seems like everyone is talking about happiness these days—trying to define it and searching high and low for…

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