Love Beats Contempt

At least once a year, an event in the speaker series at 92Y in Manhattan catches my eye. I’ve seen several of my favorite writers, including Malcom Gladwell (three times) and Michael Lewis. This year, I saw Arthur Brooks in conversation with Simon Sinek. I have become a fan of…

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Remembering September 11

Another September 11 is upon us. I publish posts on Wednesdays and with September 11 on a Wednesday this year I looked back to see what I had written in the past on this subject. I started this blog in late 2011 and found two posts: 2012 and 2013. The…

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Leadership at Work & Home

Last year, I published a piece about leaders being followers—following a cause bigger than themselves. A reader wrote to me with some of his leadership experiences: Another thing when I think of a leader is someone who empowers and assists others to live up to their potential. During my career, this…

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Happiness & Marriage

This year, my wife and I celebrated our 30th anniversary. Around the same time, I read a blog post called “8 Traits of a Happy Marriage, According to a Couples Therapist.” I agree with all eight of the defining characteristics of long-lasting, happy marriages. I am particularly drawn to these…

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A Leader Know What Matters

My friend Ed sent me the following note after we had gotten together and talked about the way we each have a drive to make a difference; to make the world a better place. I recently spoke at an event and closed with this… In the end: What will matter…

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Giving the Benefit of the Doubt

“Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood” is the fifth of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, one of the all-time, best-selling, personal development books. We often jump to conclusions and make assumptions with incomplete information. When we do that—when we fail to seek to understand someone…

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Leaders are Followers

I heard someone recently say great leaders are not leaders—they are followers. They are following a cause greater than themselves. People came to hear Martin Luther King, Jr. speak not because of him but because of themselves; because of something inside which told them what type of country they wanted…

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Exposure Breeds Empathy

Pride Month has just come to an end, and I was thinking about the way LGBTQ issues have been in the news in a big way over the last few years. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2015 for equal rights for those in same-sex marriages. The fight for transgender…

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Helping Others with Your Voice

I've written many times: helping others is one of the greatest happiness strategies. A recent way I have been helping others is by donating my voice to people who live with voicelessness. My involvement with this activity started when I read an article about VocaliD, a for-profit company. It seems…

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More Kindness

After I republished my post Kindness & the Common Good in my monthly newsletter, a reader sent me this note I want to share with you: Thank you for this email (newsletter)! I have a constant, inner conversation with myself where I try to be mindful of the point of…

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Dr. King, the Great Leader

This month marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. I’ve been watching a series of TV specials marking the anniversary: I Am MLK Jr, King in the Wilderness, and Hope & Fury. I’ve read many books on Dr. King and the civil rights movement, but it’s…

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