A colleague and I were comparing notes on how we were doing at work this year. I said I was having a good year, and that I had some luck. He said, “It’s not luck, it’s consistency.” I agreed. I explained that what I meant by luck was a lot of things came together for me at the same time, and that I agreed with him, and liked this saying I once heard, “The harder I work, the luckier I get.”

He then told me about something attributed to Tony Robbins or Jim Rohn, about what they call the two pains in life: The pain of discipline and the pain of regret.

For example, exercise: the pain of the discipline of starting each day with exercise. You have to wake up earlier than you otherwise would, get yourself out of bed, and do the work. The pain of regret would come later, if you chose not to incorporate exercise into your life and suffer bad health.

I hope you will choose the pain of discipline, which they say weighs ounces, whereas the pain of regret weighs tons.

Be well,
